This website serves as an informational resource to homeowners and potential homeowners at Wilsonville Meadows. Here you can find helpful information and documents as it pertains to WMHOA.

Some news from around the neighborhood: Week of January 10th:
If you have some news you would like to share from around the neighborhood [email protected].


Just A Reminder:
  * Tree Branches: It is the homeowner's responsibility to make sure their tree branches do not hang too low over the sidewalk. City ordinance requires an 8' clearance.
If your shrubs or bushes are extending onto the sidewalk impeding foot traffic, be a good neighbor and trim them.
Thank You!  


Wilsonville Meadows HOA Management Service Provided by:

Community Management, Inc. (CMI)

2105 SE 9th Ave | Portland, OR 97214

Direct: 503-445-1226 | Main: 503-233-0300 | Fax: 503-233-8884

[email protected]